Keep natural cycle of this Planet

UBUD RECORDS makes New Sound Music .It.s Traditional instruments of various culture with mix on DTM .
Lounge Music , Cafe Music , Club Music ,
  Healing Music , Meditation Music , 
Chillout Music, World Music
and more .
We will
Send Bali's contemporary performing arts to the world.
Provide opportunities for locals to study foreign languages and dishes.
Convey and protect the importance of the natural circulation cycle of this planet.
Assist Keep in the future.
Various cultures and music instrument come to Bali from world.
Indonesia has many islands, there are many cultures and traditional music.
Various cultures and music instrument come to Bali from world.
We will make it collaborate with contemporary DTM music and make new music.
Producer Arif Hendrasto   "Arif Bali"  "Planet Bamboo"





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